Dexter Van Zile..
31 July '18..
The process goes like clockwork. Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip attack Israel with rockets, kites, or huge crowds of people intent on crossing into Israel. The fact that these attacks are organized and led by Hamas — an organization dedicated to Israel’s destruction — is largely ignored or downplayed.
The outrage machine gets started when Israel fights back to protect the safety of its citizens and the integrity of its border with Gaza. When Palestinians who have put themselves in harm’s way get killed, many of the people in the media who had previously been quiet suddenly sit up and take notice to declare that Israel is using “disproportionate” force to defend itself against “unarmed civilians” or “peaceful protesters.” They also ignore the fact that Hamas has incited many of these “protesters” and many of the dead are known Hamas members.
After this all takes place, some people in the US — a minority to be sure — start viewing the Jews in their orbit with an evil eye, asking themselves, “What is it with them? How can they support a country that does such terrible things to those innocent and helpless Palestinians?”
When the biased articles and news segments come out, people start calling CAMERA’s office in Boston to tell us about it. Like any researcher at CAMERA, I get a fair number of these calls. Sometimes, they complain about a particularly dishonest segment on the BBC that was aired in the United States courtesy of National Public Radio, or about how a legacy network is using its jaundiced coverage of Israel as a selling point for its news shows. Sometimes, the callers describe the impact that this distorted media coverage has had on their lives.
(Continue to Full Column)
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