William A. Jacobson..
03 August '18..
Ahed Tamimi, the so-called ‘soldier slapper’ who recently was released from prison, is a darling of Western liberals and anti-Israel activists.
We have documented how Ahed’s fame results from the Tamimi Clan’s decades-long exploitation of children for the cameras, Bassem Tamimi and the Use of Children as Political Props:
The Tamimis are used to sympathetic media coverage, including a fawning New York Times Magazine cover story in March 2013 on the family’s ambition to start a “Third Intifada”.
Bassem Tamimi is usually presented as an admirable organizer of “nonviolent resistance” who can count on the support of Amnesty International and who has been praised as a “human rights defender” by the European Union. By contrast, Bassem Tamimi’s views on the “right to resist” that he often invokes and the use of his children in his activism – including regular efforts to challenge the IDF into responding to provocations like rock-throwing – have so far largely escaped scrutiny.
No Tamimi has become more famous than Ahed.
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