Pesach Benson..
Honest Reporting..
12 August '18..
Last week in Yemen, at least 43 people were tragically killed in an airstrike. Reports said 29 of the dead were children on a bus returning from a picnic.
The attack, in a northwest province of Yemen, was carried out by a Saudi-led coalition fighting Iranian-backed Houthi rebels.
Of course, Israel had nothing to do with the attack, but it was only a matter of time before some critic would use this incident to smear Israel. The Guardian‘s Owen Jones sniffed this disapproval:
Consider another horror unfolding with direct western involvement. On Wednesday night a pregnant woman and her 18-month-old daughter were killed in Gaza by an Israeli airstrike. It is being framed as a conflict between Hamas and Israel, as though an equivalence can be drawn between an open-air prison camp and a regional military superpower. Every death – Palestinian or Israeli – is a tragedy, every attack on a civilian by either Hamas or Israel indefensible. Yet, the human rights NGO B’Tselem reports, 9,456 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli security forces – with western complicity – in the past 18 years, compared with 1,237 Israeli security force personnel and civilians killed by Palestinians. Of the Palestinian fatalities, 2,025 were children. Other estimates put the Palestinian death toll over the same period at up to 9,730. It is perverse to suggest this “conflict” is anything other than overwhelmingly one-sided. And yet as the slaughter continues, British arms sales to Israel are at a record high.
Both Saudi Arabia and Israel think they can get away with killing innocents, including children, for a very simple reason: they absolutely can.
I don’t know enough about the Yemeni incident to comment on Jones’ criticism of the Saudis. But as for Israel, I have five thoughts:
1. Using casualties as some kind of moral barometer is perverse. Jones simply strips the numbers of all context to sling his mud.
If the number of dead Israelis isn’t equal to (or greater than) the number of dead Palestinians, it’s not for lack of Palestinian effort. We don’t apologize for surviving years of suicide bombings, drive-by shootings, stabbings, rock throwings, firebombings and now incendiary kites and balloons. If Hamas was capable of producing more precise rockets or outgunning Iron Dome, it would.
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