Stephen M. Flatow..
01 August '18..
Last Thursday, a Palestinian teenager stabbed a young Jewish father to death and wounded two others. On Sunday, a Palestinian teenager who assaulted Israeli soldiers was released from prison to international acclaim. Later on Sunday, two Palestinian teenagers with machine guns and bullet magazines were intercepted on their way to massacre Jews.
Palestinian children are not born hating Jews or loving violence. Who is to blame for encouraging and inspiring these young people to engage in such murderous behavior?
We can, of course, dismiss the tired cliché about how “the occupation” is what causes young Palestinians to turn violent. Israel stopped occupying 98 percent of the Palestinians back in 1995. Thursday’s stabber and Sunday’s machine-gunners have spent their entire lives under the rule of the Palestinian Authority, not Israel. They had to leave their P.A.-ruled home towns and go in search of Jews elsewhere precisely because the last Israeli soldier left their hometowns way back in 1995.
So if it’s not the “occupation,” then what is it?
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