Hadar Sela..
BBC Watch..
22 February '18..
On February 20th the BBC News website published a report titled “Palestinian head Abbas calls for international peace summit” on its Middle East page. The BBC’s account of Abbas’ long speech at the UN Security Council on the same day is as follows:
“Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has called for an international peace conference to tackle the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
In a rare address to the UN Security Council, he said the situation was “no longer bearable” for Palestinians. […]
Mr Abbas told the Security Council that “to solve the Palestine question… it is essential to establish a multilateral international mechanism”.
He blamed the deadlock in the peace process on the US declaration on Jerusalem, which he said violated international law, and on what he called Israel’s “illegal activities” in the occupied territories.
“We call for the convening of an international peace conference by mid-2018 based on international law and the relevant UN resolutions,” he said.”
As has been the case on previous occasions, the BBC’s account did not include the parts of Abbas’ speech that do not fit its chosen narrative. BBC audiences therefore remain unaware of the fact that, as he has done in the past, Abbas alleged in this – for him – relatively restrained address that the Palestinians:
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