Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
04 February '18..
We have more than the regular amount of interest in the in-your-face bigotry and incitement-to-extreme-violence of the loathsome Tamimi clan of Nabi Saleh. We have explained why over and again in past posts.
But for anyone fresh to this blog or to us - the parents of Malki Roth - or to the news industry's sickening and highly-selective fixation with the nedia-centric doings of the Tamimis, we suggest to start here:
24-Dec-17: Nabi Saleh, the media and a Tamimi child's journey
19-Dec-17: Uncovering some of Nabi Saleh's hideous buried secrets
01-Sep-15: A tale of two villages: one devoted to non-violence, another that actually exists
29-Aug-15: Revisiting a Palestinian Arab village and its monsters
17-Mar-13: A little village in the hills, and the monsters it spawns
With the background in mind, think now about the stream of news articles during the past six weeks that have delivered up softball versions of Tamimi analysis, driven by another (in a long series) of self-engineered "clashes" with the IDF in which the star is, as always, the always-carefully-coiffed Ahed Tamimi.
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