Elder of Ziyon..
25 February '18..
In a new mailing from J-Street, Jeremy Ben Ami waxes poetic over Mahmoud Abbas' "peace plan" of giving up nothing and demanding everything be handed to him on a silver platter:
Last week, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made an important speech to the UN Security Council.
Abbas laid out explicit support for the two-state solution and put forward a serious proposal for how to get there.
Of course, if Ben Ami had been paying attention, Abbas was not showing the slightest willingness to make any hard decisions for peace - as he and his predecessor have adamantly refused to do so for over twenty years.
But then Ben-Ami goes into complete fantasyland:
So it’s stunning when you realize that, today, of the three, the Palestinians are the only party willing to publicly endorse the goal of two states for two peoples.
This is a breathtaking lie.
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