Elder of Ziyon..
09 February '18..
I know I shouldn't be astonished anymore by how much nonsense a person with a PhD can spew, but...I still am.
From the Facebook page of Columbia University Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature Hamid Dabashi:
The Woman’s March has now emerged as a major movement in the US and of course the Zionists have deeply infiltrated it the way they infiltrated the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and sought to twist it to the advantage of Israel —
I once posted a full page ad by the Black Americans to Support Israel Committee, which was signed by hundreds of prominent African-Americans in support of Israel from Hank Aaron to Andrew Young.
According to Dabashi, they were all duped by Zionists. Which means that Dabashi doesn't think that African Americans are smart enough to think for themselves.
Yes, that is racism.
Scarlet Johansson is a violent Zionist deeply committed to the systemic theft of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their homeland— she appears on commercials selling Israeli products made on the stolen and occupied Palestinians lands — her appearance on Women’s March rallies deeply compromises the moral authority of the movement —
"Scarlet Johansson is a violent Zionist"?
Hate to break it to you, Hamid, but movies aren't real life.
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