Elder of Ziyon..
13 February '18..
Every week, Rami Hamdallah, the "prime minister" of the Palestinian Authority, a person who has no real power, has a cabinet meeting where pronouncements are made and nothing is actually done.
The statements do show how much the Palestinian Authority likes to fool itself, and its own people.
This week the statements included:
The Israeli government will pass a law to impose Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank, annexing settlement blocs and retaining the Jordan Valley. The Judaization and uprooting confirms the insistence of the Israeli government to renounce all agreements between the parties, a clear expression of its unwillingness to peace or any intention to reach a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
Israel has tried to negotiate, the Palestinians refuse. Israel has shown willingness to compromise, Palestinians haven't. But the lies continue.
Taking such a step would not only be the end of the two-state solution, but the end of any hope for peace and would have repercussions for the entire region.
I am still astounded that these regular threats - couched in terms of warnings - aren't recognized as such by the West.
And let me remind you of how seriously the Palestinians take the "two state solution" that they insist they want.
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