Hadar Sela..
BBC Watch..
25 February '18..
The US State Department’s February 23rd announcement concerning the opening of an interim embassy in Jerusalem this coming May was the topic of an article published on the BBC News website’s Middle East page that same evening under the headline “US to open new embassy in Jerusalem in May“.
The two initial versions of the article inaccurately suggested to BBC audiences that Tel Aviv could be seen as the capital of Israel.
“Donald Trump said in December that the US would recognise Jerusalem – not Tel Aviv – as Israel’s capital, infuriating Palestinians.”
“Donald Trump’s decision last year that the US would recognise Jerusalem – not Tel Aviv – as Israel’s capital infuriated Palestinians.”
In the final version of the report – amended the following day – that statement was replaced by the following:
“Donald Trump’s decision in December to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the embassy from Tel Aviv, where all other embassies are located, infuriated Palestinians.
The declaration broke with decades of US neutrality on the issue and put it out of step with the rest of the international community.”
In fact, the US Congress of course voted to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital over two decades ago.
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