Monday, March 4, 2019

Not Yet Crunch Time But Palestinian Authority Residents Fed Up With Their Ruling Tunisian Mafia - by Sheri Oz

Is Jew-hate so overwhelming that it blinds you to the true humanitarian disaster that the PA is bringing down upon its own people?

Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
04 March '19..

Early this afternoon (3 Feb 2019), a storm started brewing in Ramallah in the Palestinian Authority. But this is not the kind of winter storm one expects. This is the kind of storm in which regular people take to the streets to protest the corrupt regime, the Mahabharata [intelligence services] collects information on dissenters, and police aggressively arrest some of them and take them in for “questioning.”

An anonymous source provided a few photos and brief explanation of what was happening until he felt unsafe and left for home.

This is the start of the demonstration, in front of the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

They are protesting because of the tyranny, you know, the cost of electricity and food and the fact that the cost of living in general is sky-high and the PA is doing nothing for the people.

I did notice one thing, that there are quite a few Muchabarat mingled in with the protestors. They are wearing their government-issued jackets and combat boots and stuff. They thought I was from the Israeli press and they told me: no, no, no; we wont be interviewed by the Israeli press.

The protesters are also worried and they did not want to do any live interviews because they don’t want to be picked up in the middle of the night by the secret police, the “Gestapo” as I like to call them.

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