Sunday, November 11, 2018

Israel Yields To Blackmail for Gaza Quiet - But Quiet Is A Facade - by Dr. Aaron Lerner

...We know that the kits are in Lebanon. We know that the equipment for attaching the kits is in Lebanon. Prime Minister Netanyahu even boasted that we knew the locations of the upgrading facilities in Beirut when he spoke at the UN. Hezbollah subsequently moved the project to other locations inside Lebanon. And we aren't doing anything. Because we are addicted to quiet. So "quiet" in Lebanon means Hezbollah is dramatically upgrading their ability to harm the Jewish State. And in Gaza?

Dr. Aaron Lerner..
Weekly Commentary..
9 November '18..

Just days after Israel Television Chanel 2 news featured a Gazan wounded in the fence riots cursing Hamas for failing to honor their promise to pay rioters for getting wounded, Israel facilitated a $15 million cash Qatari pay-off in the desperate hope that this would insure quiet.

Yes. We are the ones who are desperately addicted to quiet.

Quiet in Gaza and quiet in Lebanon.

We ostensibly continue activity in Syria but we are so addicted to quiet in Lebanon that we are now allowing Hezbollah to upgrade their missiles in Lebanon with kits that turn "statistical" missiles that randomly slam into Israel into guided missiles with an accuracy that facilitates targeting any facility or building they choose to destroy in the opening round of a war.

We know that the kits are in Lebanon. We know that the equipment for attaching the kits is in Lebanon. Prime Minister Netanyahu even boasted that we knew the locations of the upgrading facilities in Beirut when he spoke at the UN.

Hezbollah subsequently moved the project to other locations inside Lebanon.

And we aren't doing anything.

Because we are addicted to quiet.

So "quiet" in Lebanon means Hezbollah is dramatically upgrading their ability to harm the Jewish State.

And in Gaza?

The "quiet" we are addicted to doesn't just mean Hamas pouring many millions of dollars into coming up with variants of the attack tunnels that our gizmos can't detect.

There is an ongoing open program to develop bigger and better missiles.

And when one considers the relative size of the missile upgrade kits and the precedent that we won't lift a finger against the kits in Lebanon, its only a question of time before they are smuggled into Gaza.

The Gazans are investing heavily in unmanned airborne platforms that can deliver bombs, etc.

And the Gazan armies openly train for war.

This is not the ragtag bunch of terrorists randomly firing AK-47's that we faced years ago.

And there's a lot more going on.

There's every reason to believe that there are various 3-D printers as well as the complete complement of computer driven metal working equipment.

These days instead of smuggling in a weapon you can send the SolidWorks files.

And frankly speaking, given that our addiction to quiet allows the Hezbullah missile upgrade in Lebanon, it could very well be that Israeli intelligence is already aware of mind boggling weapons programs underway in Gaza that we don't dare attack out of fear that this will undermine the quiet.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis: Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations

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