Judith Bergman..
26 September '18..
Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority (the PA) wrote his Holocaust denying thesis, published in Arabic as “The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement”, in 1982 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow. In the thesis, Abbas (who in 1983 went on to become a KGB spy) denied the existence of gas chambers in the concentration camps, and questioned the number of Holocaust victims, by calling the six million Jews who had been killed “a fantastic lie”. He simultaneously blamed the Holocaust on the Jews themselves.
It is unclear whether Abbas’ “thesis” took him into the territory of the discriminatory laws enacted against Jews, including a 1933 law which made it illegal to sell farmland to them, but 75 years after Nazi Germany enacted that law, Abbas is still playing at the same old Nazi game. Incidentally, the Nazi prohibition against selling land to Jews is apparently the same under Islamic law.
A recent report by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) states that the PA recently managed to crack down on and arrest Arabs in Hebron, who were in the process of selling land to Jews there.
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