Dr. Aaron Lerner..
IMRA Weekly Commentary..
25 September '18..
Link: http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=73363
With the serious security challenges we face today on many fronts it is important to keep in mind the vital contribution that civilians can make to a successful decision making process.
Consider a few examples:
Brass opposed building spy satellites: Ehud Barak and others senior brass strongly opposed Israel building its own spy satellites - this even though it was already clear that the US could not be relied upon to fill the gap. Civilian Menachem Begin overruled the brass. The brass only truly understood why this critical equipment was needed when the first satellite photograph flashed up on the screen.
Brass opposed acquiring second strike capability: Ehud Barak took the lead in quashing plans to purchase German subs featuring launch tubes with an extra large diameter for Jericho missiles. Israel only received this strategic capability when Germany supplied the first subs for FREE after German equipment played a key role in the Iraqi missile attacks against the Jewish State.
Brass opposed opening the Second Lebanon War by destroying Hezbullah’s long range missiles: The brass wanted to first punish Lebanon by destroying infrastructure but civilian DM Amir Peretz insisted that the IAF take out the long range missiles before they began hitting Tel Aviv. This move was essentially the only correct Israeli decision in the entire war. To hear Peretz in his own words: http://youtu.be/SM_LMb10qsQ
Civilian DM Liberman has been pushing through arming the IDF with an ample supply of precision ground to ground missiles of various ranges to dramatically enhance our ability to address many challenges without relying on piloted platforms. This includes top of the line systems that Israel is already supplying to other armies but the local brass wasn't interested in.
And there are more examples.
In each case civilian "common sense" trumped decades of military training and experience.
Today the military presses for perpetually postponing addressing the threat in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.
In the case of Lebanon we are in the bizarre situation that the very same military that supports an extremely pro-active approach towards preventing the transfer of advanced equipment from Syria to Hezbullah in Lebanon declines to promote destroying equipment once it passes into Lebanon.
It is time for the civilians in the Security Cabinet to call the shots.
IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis: Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on Arab-Israeli relations
Website: www.imra.org.il
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