Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
13 September '18..
One of the most interesting things we do here is look at what the Palestinian Arabs think. As we explained in our most recent attempt to do this, looking at accurate, well-collected and intelligently analyzed opinion poll data is
invariably more valuable by far than media guesses about what the Palestinian Arabs think and want. Claims are made freely and often about Palestinian Arab aspirations. Very often, though, the data tell a story that's at total variance from what's being claimed about them... [source]
Bluntly, much of what the mainstream media claim about Palestinian Arab public opinion is just plain wrong. We make that statement on the basis of carefully reviewing the work of a Palestinian Arab organization called The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR). It's headed by a respected professional, Dr. Khalil Shikaki. We have no personal connection with him or his work. His reputation for objectivity is why we pay attention.
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