Varda Meyers Epstein..
Judean Rose/Elder of Ziyon..
17 September '18..
It was a morning like any other here in Israel, the day that Ari was taken from us. A blue, cloudless sky, a cup of coffee, Facebook. The making of lists, the folding of laundry, punching the clock at work. You cannot know when you wake up, the nature of the day, the evil it holds, and the holiness.
Until you know. Until the family Whatsapp pings: “Everyone ok? Pigua tzomet hagush* 2 injured.”
Telling your heart to be still, you think: “My husband.”
You do a head count.
Then you know it’s not your family, and the wondering begins. Who is it?
And it comes to you. You don’t know why and you push it away, the knowledge. But somehow you know. It’s Ari Fuld.
There is no reason to think it. No reason this particular name comes to you. You don’t know why you know, but you do.
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