Daniel Krygier..
24 September '18..
The brutal murder of Ari Fuld, a US born-Israeli father of four, is the latest example of the lethal consequences of the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) toxic political culture of genocidal Jew-hatred. There is no shortage of perpetrators in human history. However, the Abbas-led Ramallah regime promotes a unique brand of lethal hatred that can best be described as perpetrators with a victim mentality.
This is how the murder of Ari Fuld was presented by Wafa, PA’s official news agency:
“A Palestinian young man was injured by gunfire on Sunday when he was shot by Israeli forces, after he allegedly carried out a stabbing attack targeting an Israeli settler in Gush Etzion settlement complex, near Bethlehem in the southern West Bank.”
As far as the Abbas regime is concerned, the Arab terrorist Khalil Jabarin, who murdered Ari Fuld is a “victim” despite ample proof of the opposite. Footage from the attack clearly shows that Jabarin’s attack on Ari was unprovoked. In addition, Jewish victims of Arab terrorism are frequently dehumanized as “settlers.” The Wafa news agency also failed to mention that the terrorist Jabarin was injured by his victim, who acted in self-defense and wanted to prevent Jabarin from attacking other Jewish civilians.
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