14 June '16..
Israel statement at 32nd session of UN Human Rights Council
14 Jun 2016
Statement delivered by Ambassador Eviatar Manor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN in Geneva
Mr. President,
This is my final Human Rights Council session. I will leave you with these observations:
- This Council’s priorities are wide off the mark. An agenda item specifically dedicated to my country when the tragedies of Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, to name but a few, are unfolding and producing a tsunami of refugees about to engulf Europe? And you expect us to take you seriously?
- Politicized debates, biased resolutions, preposterous reports, discriminatory conduct and unfounded accusations characterize the attitude of this Council and of the OHCHR towards Israel. In its latest press release, following a terror attack in which 4 Israelis were murdered and dozens wounded, the OHCHR expressed deep concern on the cancelation of 83,000 permits granted to West Bank and Gaza residents to travel to Israel during Ramadan. It characterized the move as quote “amounting to prohibited collective punishment” unquote.
Mr. President, the right to regulate entry of non-citizens into a country is an integral part of sovereignty which all states enjoy. Furthermore, the terms of existing bilateral Israeli-Palestinian agreements specifically affirm Israel's right to prevent or limit entry of persons into Israel from the West Bank and Gaza for security and safety considerations. Just one of many examples of double standards regarding Israel.
Mr. President,
This Council has never cared for the human rights of Israelis;
This Council has lost its bearings;
This Council needs a moral compass;
This Council has an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder regarding Israel;
This Council has not, does not and will not contribute to peace in our region.
Think about it, and call me if you change your minds.
Thank you, Mr. President.
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