Alex Safian, PhD..
CAMERA Media Analyses..
23 June '16..
Amira Hass must really like false Palestinian charges that Israel is stealing their water, since she keeps on repeating those false Palestinian charges, requiring us to repeat the refutation.
Whereas previously Hass charged that profligate Israelis "use three times more water a day in their households as West Bank Palestinians do," in her latest effort she charges that:
On average, the Palestinians consume 73 liters per person per day. Below the recommended minimum. Israelis consume a daily 180 liters on average, and there are those who say even more.
She also charges that "Israel sells the Palestinians water that it first stole from them," and:
With the Oslo Accords, Israel imposed an outrageous, racist, arrogant and brutal division of water sources in the West Bank: 80 percent for Israelis (on both sides of the Green Line), and 20 percent for the Palestinians ...
Hass is dead wrong about the relative usage of water by Israelis and Palestinians, and about her other charges too, but before getting into details and numbers, it's important to illustrate a deeper distortion in her claims.
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