Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
14 June '16..
Here's a good news/bad news story. On Sunday, one of Britain's mainstream newspapers ran a major report that opened with this startling sentence:
A multi-million pound foreign aid project aimed at promoting Palestinian state building and peace has instead encouraged terrorism and led to an increase in violence, The Telegraph can disclose.
The article ["Multi-million pound foreign aid grant spent on encouraging terrorism", Telegraph UK, June 12, 2016] refers to an "official report" into a grant of some £156.4 million provided by the Department for International Development (DFID) to the Palestinian Authority. The context is a debate into the wisdom of Britain’s formal pledge to spend 0.7 per cent of its income on foreign aid. The parliament engaged in this yesterday (Monday). Daily Mail UK gave space last night to this formal defence of the British strategy:
International development minister Desmond Swayne insisted that money given to the Palestinian Authority funds specific civil servants, helping to prepare a government in the event of a two-state agreement... [He] insisted ‘British taxpayers’ money does not fund terrorism’ and defended the thoroughly scrutinised list of aid recipients. He said: ‘Our taxpayers’ money goes to build the Palestinian Authority so that it is able to morph into the government of a Palestinian state when that opportunity arises and we pay named civil servants for the provision of public services.’
It's a pathetic, old and by-now discredited line of self-justification. Now there are fresh reasons for rejecting it.
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