Khaled Abu Toameh..
Gatestone Institute..
07 June '16..
Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is once again facing insurrection -- this time from the young guard in his ruling Fatah faction.
Even autocracy has its limits, and after many years of being gagged, Fatah's young guard is finding its voice.
This renewed power struggle between the young and the old guard is probably a positive sign. It seems to signal the Palestinians wish to see new faces in power. However, just because members of this faction wish to see a "changing of the guards at the Palestinian palace" does not mean that they have changed their attitude towards Israel.
This young guard, in fact, is neither interested in, nor authorized to, give up the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees -- or even take the basic step of recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.
In short, the actors might change, but the same show will go on.
But change is sometimes good. Injecting new blood into the old and corrupt political system known as the Palestinian Authority might be a start.
So who is behind this move to introduce changes into the Palestinian leadership and what is the goal of that drive? Will the effort have any impact on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
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Khaled Abu Toameh is an award-winning journalist based in Jerusalem.
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