Daniel Pomerantz..
Honest Reporting..
15 June '16..
A highly misleading Newsweek story began with the absurd headline, “Israel Extends Palestinian Clown’s Detention Without Trial.” Yes, that’s the actual headline.
The Palestinian man in question, Mohammed Abu Saha, 24, does perform as a clown, and it is certainly amusing to see Newsweek present the “Palestinian Circus School” as a legitimate source on security issues.
People give great weight to headlines, sometimes not even reading past the headline at all. And if you only skim headlines on Facebook or Twitter, you wouldn’t know that Saha was detained because he is also an accused member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an internationally recognized terror organization.
Even so, Newsweek still couldn’t bring itself to use the word “terrorist,” instead calling the PFLP a “political group,” and saying that “Israel classifies PFLP as an extremist organization.” (Emphasis added).
This is a blatant misstatement:
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