Sheri Oz..
12 June '16..
I must have been in shock. Because I only just now broke down and cried. This video finally broke through the protective wall I have around me. And if you watch it, as I hope you will, you will probably understand why it is so powerful.
But truth be told? I think my protective psychological defenses have less to do the with constant backdrop of imminent danger than something else that I find harder to deal with. Yes, the fear of a terrorist attack drones on in the back of my mind like the hum of the air conditioner if it’s running smoothly, or supermarket music if it’s not too loud. It’s noticeable if I pay attention to it but I don’t necessarily have to.
What I find much harder to deal with is the cacophony of voices telling us to appease the Muslims if we want peace. Telling us that some imaginary “occupation” is why Muslims are killing Israelis (and tourists who happen to be around when they go on their killing spree).
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