Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
11 November '15..
The image above appeared in a blog post of ours called "18-Oct-15: Being aware of our neighbours' passion for terror is the first step" some weeks ago in response to the orchestrated campaign of face-to-face Arab-on-Israeli violence going on all around us.
Since then, there have been dozens more stabbings, shootings and car-rammings. Yesterday (Tuesday), there were multiple such attacks. But one of them is in a class of its own. It's the subject of this post.
As we wrote yesterday ["10-Nov-15: Arab teens and their knives: today's latest Jerusalem stabbing attack"]:
The photo [in that post] indicates at least one of the attackers is young - to our eyes, 15 or even less. The second attacker is not shown; he was evidently shot and is probably not in good shape. We don't know names, or where they live, or the condition of the one shot... [T]he Light Rail security guard, who was moderately wounded in the attack, managed to fire his weapon toward the two attackers, wounding one according to the police. He received emergency treatment at at the scene and then rushed to Jerusalem's Shaarei Zedek Medical Center. He is about 25, and has stab wounds to the upper body.
A life changing experience for the guard who, thankfully, is said to be doing well today at Shaarei Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. And the attackers? It may have changed their lives too. Or not.
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