Elder of Ziyon..
01 November '15..
Amnesty International has issued another anti-Israel report, only days after their last one, this one claiming that Israeli "settlers" in Hebron are wantonly attacking Palestinians.
"In the space of less than a month, attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in Hebron have escalated from what was already an unacceptably high level," the report says in a call-out.
The entire report gives exactly two examples of such attacks - in a month when there are daily attacks against Israelis in Hebron.
The one that takes up the bulk of the evidence is this one:
On the morning of 17 October, 18-year-old Hebron resident Fadel al-Qawasmeh was walking to work when he was shot and killed by an Israeli civilian. The Israeli military claim that he had a knife and intended to stab the Israeli civilian but have released no evidence to support these claims, despite the fact that al-Shuhada Street, where the incident took place, is heavily monitored by video cameras operated by Israeli forces.
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