Yisrael Medad..
Times of Israel..
01 November '15..
As has been pointed out by many, the incitement generated by the Palestinian Authority is deep and is embedded well in all forms of its activity. Educational programming, sports, quizzes, television, crossword puzzles, religious sermons and more glorify the killing of Jews.
Families of terrorists who are killed in action merit special funding as do the terrorists themselves who survive and are incarcerated. Squares and other locations are named after “martyrs”.
Shmuel Yerushalmi, a son of a neighbor of mine in Shiloh, was murdered by an Arab ‘suicide bomber.’ That happened on June 9, 2002.
His friend and neighbor – five houses separated them – Avraham Chaim Siton, was murdered two weeks earlier, shot in the back on the basketball field of his high-school.
The families decided to memorialize them. They renovated a shelter in the Ramat Shmuel neighborhood in Shiloh and it serves as a youth cultural center and, of course, yet another synagogue.
When Jews are killed for pursuing the covenantal charge to:
“Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.” — Genesis 12:1“
And ye shall inherit the land by lot according to your families.” — Numbers 33:54“
Go in and take possession of the land that the LORD swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them.” — Deuteronomy 1:8
new lives are created, new homes are built, new communities are founded and new Torah is spread out.
A memorial that recalls a life that was full of promise, that had done good and could have done much more to improve all our lives, and champions the true value of life is a proper and fitting memorial.
A memorial that sacralizes death and terror is evil.
And if that is what the Palestinian Authority engages in and promotes, then we should all recognize that that is the true “Palestinan narrative.”
And act accordingly.
Link: http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/an-aspect-of-the-palestinian-narrative/
Yisrael Medad, currently Information Resources Director at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in Jerusalem, is American-born and made Aliyah in 1970. He resides in Shiloh since 1981. He was a member of the Betar Youth Movement World Executive and is a volunteer spokesperson for the Yesha council. He holds a MA in Political Science from the Hebrew University.
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