Dror Eydar..
Israel Hayom..
18 November '15..
In October 2014, Kamal Khatib, the deputy head of the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement, stood in the midst of a crowd of supporters in Jerusalem and announced: "Jerusalem will not be only the capital of the Palestinian state, but the capital of the coming righteous Islamic caliphate." (Thanks to Dr. Moti Kedar.) In June 2011, Khatib said of "resistance for the purpose of freeing the land from the occupier" that he did not make a distinction between soldiers and civilians: "It's obvious that every Jew is a soldier in the reserves of the Israeli army, so there's no difference between a civilian and a soldier" (MEMRI).
Next to Khatib happened to be standing, ironically enough, Hanin Zoabi and Basel Ghattas, two MKs from the Balad party -- a secular Arab nationalistic movement. The Islamic State, Hamas, and the other jihadist movements have already taught us what will happen in such a "righteous" Islamic caliphate: Hanin Zoabi will go underground, if she isn't caught before that and sentenced to death for being a woman who does not obey the laws of Islam. Ghattas, as a Christian, will meet an even worse fate: He will be crucified. So what were these two doing next to the caliph's second in command? In the fight against the Jewish state, the enemy of my enemy is an ally.
Islamic Movement head Sheikh Raad Salah is the main person responsible for the constant incitement about Al-Aqsa mosque being "in danger." The blood of the Jews (and Arabs) killed as a result is on his hands. This past September, he half warned about and half called for "a third intifada in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem." In 2011, at a conference of the Supreme Arab Governing Committee (of which the Islamic Movement is a member), Salah said, "By 2020, the State of Israel will no longer exist." In light (or in darkness) of the man's incitement activity, this was no mere opinion, but a plan of action. Why are this man and his cohort free? Why do they have Israeli citizenship?
The movement is the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which teaches the call of Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna: "Israel will rise and continue to exist until Islam wipes it out, just as it wiped out what was there before." The Egyptians understood that before we did and are fighting to eradicate every last one of its members.
An Islamic caliphate on the ruins of Israel -- that's what the Islamic Movement wants. Openly, and without fear. Because of our helplessness. It's not only Europe -- here, too, the call to turn Israel into an Islamist caliphate is seen as "nonviolent." For all the "human rights," we've forgotten about the right of the Jews to live in their own land.
No more. The Zionists changed the rules and turned the tables. Better late than never. A democracy has to defend itself against those who exploit the freedom it grants as a way of destroying it. There is no reason to get upset over the threats and the riots and the "days of rage"; that's their way of deterring the powers that be from enforcing the law. Will government declarations be enforced when it comes to Islamic Movement-affiliated groups that hide behind a thousand different names? Let's hope so. We must not let up. It's time for action.
Link: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_article.php?id=29791
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