20 May '13..
(I had the opportunity to pass by this twice yesterday, a lovely little town of rock-throwers and budding terrorists in general. Lost my windshield there earlier this year, and while obviously not enough to make an impression, their cemetery is not empty of those who failed the evolution test. In any case, while incensed by the flag being quite in your face, on second thought perhaps it's better to just leave it up. It's not exactly the type of PR that speaks well for the Palestinian Authority and its supporters, and unlike the PA and its flag that some still have illusions about, this one really gets down to basics. Y.)
Hundreds of residents of Gush Etzion were astounded to find a Nazi flag flying right near the mosque in the Palestinian town of Beit Omar. The IDF was notified.
Uri Arnon told Tazpit News Agency: "I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land. The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies, announcing out loud that they wish to destroy us."
An IDF spokesman said that the flag was hung on an electrical line, and that they were waiting to professionals to come and remove it.
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