Honest Reporting..
26 May '13..
Saeb Erekat, a Palestinian official, is now being quoted in the media as "backing" the efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry to get peace talks back on track. Specifically, he tells the media that the Palestinians have no preconditions to resume talks with Israel.
Except that Israel must first freeze all building in the disputed territories and release all Palestinian prisoners.
BUT -- he tells the reporters, those are not pre-conditions.
You and I understand that if you say -- "I will not talk to you unless you first do the following" that is a pre-condition.
Yet the journalists nod their heads and accept Erekat's lie.
Everyone who has followed news from the Middle East knows that Erekat is a serial liar. I'm not going to go through and rehash all the lies that he has peddled over the years. Read some of them in this article published on the HonestReporting website when he resigned two years ago:
He resigned?
That was another lie.
Is it that easy to manipulate the media?
After the first lie, he then throws in that Israel is an apartheid state -- far worse that South Africa ever was.
And none of these reporters asked him how many black members of the South African parliament served during Apartheid. No one pointed out that Arabs serve in the Israeli judiciary, the military, hospitals, schools, --
Yet again - they print his lies!!!!!
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