26 May '13..
What we have before us is an intolerable situation. Nevertheless it is one that thousands of residents of the Gush Etzion region, face everyday on Rt.60, and in particular between Gush Etzion and Kiryat Arba-Hevron. Not withstanding the IDF and police having their hands tied due to the political consideration that any firm reaction will entail European as well as American pressure to desist, but that even within the eyes of the Israeli justice system this has not been treated with the degree of seriousness that it deserves. It is long past time for a change and when rocks are thrown at moving vehicles it must be treated and charged as attempted murder. Not once, but every time. Throughout Israel.
A special thanks to all who gave of their time to be interviewed and Avraham who put the film together. And many thanks to all of you who will help this get the public airing this deserves.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xP79-4OKZ8s
Related post: (+Video) Could you live with this level of violence in your community?
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