Dror Eydar..
Israel Hayom..
20 May '13..
The Muhammad al-Dura affair has been one of the cornerstones of a lengthy delegitimization campaign against Israel, whose sole purpose is to portray Israel as a nation that kills children and perpetrates genocide. Once this premise has been accepted, at least by some among the Western elite and the international media, acts of terror against Israel have been legitimized all the more forcefully.
Just look at how mundane the reports of daily stoning attacks across Judea and Samaria have become. The legitimization of such acts of terror, even by some Israelis, has somehow been accepted with relative calm. After all, every action is legitimate when you are going up against the country that, according to every news network worldwide, is responsible for al-Dura's murder.
The official report exonerating Israeli security forces in this case is too soft and it comes too late, but it is better than the helplessness demonstrated by past Israeli government vis-à-vis the Palestinian industry of lies ("Pallywood").
Some journalists among us claimed that the attempts to debunk the reports saying that al-Dura was killed by IDF fire were meant to distract from the debate surrounding the deaths of 850 Palestinian children. Nothing can be further from the truth! If anything, this case proves that the deaths of other children should also be investigated. Every report by these liars should be taken with a grain of salt. This is a culture that perceives lying as a legitimate measure in its fight against the Yahud -- the Jew.
Former Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat pointed the way, when he said "We will abide by the Oslo Accords just like the Prophet Muhammad kept the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah," referring to the treaty which represented a defeat to the Muslims, but that Muhammad presented to his followers as a victory.
The Internet is overflowing with videos showing how the media is indiscriminately gobbling up the Palestinian industry's productions. The media prefers to see Israel as "the bad guy" and to justify the Palestinians, as part of the West's capitulation to the creeping occupation by Islamofascism.
It is important to remember that the al-Dura lie was spread by a Jewish man, a Zionist who immigrated to Israel and whose children served in the military. This is not the first time that useful idiots can be found in historical junctions, but this is not a case of naivety, but a case of moral corruption that does not distinguish between good and evil. The al-Dura affair, like the Goldstone Report on Operation Cast Lead, fed and justified the terror inflicted on Israeli civilians.
In light of these clear findings, which have now been made official, we must ask why some journalists insisted on depicting the investigators in this case as "weird" and "delusional." Here is a possible answer: in April 2001, Israeli author Ronit Matalon came back from a visit to Gaza, called up a friend in B'Tselem and told him, appalled, how Palestinians were sending their children to face off with Israeli soldiers. He said, "Yes, but don't write that. It's bad for the cause."
Link: http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=4383
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