Honest Reporting..
19 May '13..
The South African television show Carte Blanche, broadcast an episode on the Syrian civil war. On the show, they interview a Syrian woman who blames Israel for the bloodshed.
Not surprisingly, she works for Syrian National Television and is a supporter of President Assad.
She is obviously just expressing Syrian propaganda. Yet the interviewer never challenges her ridiculous accusation.
Journalists have a responsibility to make sure that the sources they use are credible. In this case, Carte Blanche failed the case.
Thanks to the viewer who alerted us to this story. If you find a case of anti-Israel reporting, let us know. Visit our website http://honestreporting.com to find out how you can help us make a difference in the media's treatment of Israel.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWGZpQJWbeI&feature=youtu.be
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