CAMERA Snapshots..
22 May '13..
On April 30th, a senior Palestinian Authority official, Jibril Rajoub, deputy secretary of the Fatah Central Committee and chairman of the PA Olympic Committee said in regards to Israel, “We as yet don’t have a nuke, but I swear that if we had a nuke, we’d have used it this very morning.” Virtually none of the popular press has covered this threat.
Maybe, you’re thinking, they haven’t reported this shocking statement because they don’t know about it. Maybe he said it in a closed room or maybe to himself. Well, no. Rajoub made this declaration on Lebanese television and the video has been posted, translated and transcribed by Palestinian Media Watch.
The Israeli and Jewish press found out about it and reported on it as did The Washington Times and just as we post this, The Wall Street Journal . In FrontPage Mag, Daniel Greenfield notes:
CBS News describes him in its bio as “Rajoub, a moderate, was a longtime player in peace talks and truce negotiations with Israel.”
The New York Times wrote of him as, “the West Bank security chief, who is known as one of the more moderate and pragmatic Palestinian officials.”
Perhaps these same news outlets don’t want to cover this threat to nuke Israel because it would give lie to their portrayal of Rajoub as a moderate. But what’s the excuse of The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, ABC News, NBC News, National Public Radio, PBS, etc.?
Secretary of State John Kerry is returning to the region this very minute to try to restart peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority and one of the PA leaders threatens to nuke Israel. This doesn't strike anyone as newsworthy? Where’s the coverage?
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