Palestinian Media Watch..
21 April '13..
Issa Abd Rabbo killed two Israeli university students who were hiking south of Jerusalem in 1984. He is serving two life sentences in prison.
Murderer Abd Rabbo's mother honored by PA Minister of Culture, Siham Barghouti:
Show moderator: "Of course, [this is] prisoner Issa Abd Rabbo's mother that is honored today by the Minister of Culture [Siham Barghouti], for her being with us."
Lyrics of song playing in background:
"We are part of you,
we are your weapon,
oh our homeland, Paradise."
PA TV host honors mother of Issa Abd Rabbo:
PA TV host: "Our program today is dedicated to the honorable prisoners' mothers who are here with us. First, the mother of the veteran prisoner from Bethlehem, my brother, prisoner Issa Abd Rabbo, I send him my blessings..."
Abbd Rabbo's mother: "All the prisoners of Palestine should be released, they are fighters, they are combatants. They should be released from Israel's prisons. All of them."
PA TV host: "Allah willing! My dear, your son is a fighter and a hero, and all prisoners are heroes."
[PA TV (Fatah), March 21, 2013]
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