IMRA Weekly Commentary..
18 April '13..
"I believe the window for a two-state solution is shutting…I think we have some period of time, a year, a year-and-a-half, or two years or it’s over."
US Secretary of State John Kerry to the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee 17 April 2013
Hope he is right that the window for a two-state solution is shutting.
And the sooner the better.
Because having a sovereign Palestinian state in our living room is anything but the best option of a collection of bad options.
A truly sovereign Palestinian state is a terrible option.
It would be incredibly dangerous for Israel and a source of tremendous instability for the entire neighborhood.
And when one considers just how challenging and unstable the region is these days, the very last thing we can afford is to do is implement a program based on declarations rather than solid arguments.
Mr. Kerry and his fellow travelers can proclaim a million times that the creation of a sovereign Palestinian state would best serve Israel's security. But a silly remark made once or a billion times remains just that. A silly remark.
We can most certainly speculate about worse case outcomes if there isn't a sovereign Palestinian state.
Life is full of risks.
But when one compares an option with close to 100% of having disastrous results for the Jewish State to an array of possibilities - which include bad outcomes having relatively low probabilities of ever taking place - the choice is clear.
Mr. Kerry no doubt thought his remark would spur efforts to create a sovereign Palestinian state.
Instead there is great relief in the idea that Secretary of State Kerry suggests that if we can make it half way through President Obama's second term that this two state solution nonsense will finally be behind us.
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