26 April '13..
The dignity of Michael Palmer, and the aura of love as he gave testimony describing what he and his family have been going through since the brutal murders of his son and grandson, Asher and Yonatan Hy"d, brought both reality and anguish into the courtroom.
Friday, September 23, 2011 not only changed the lives of the Palmer family with the brutal murders of Asher and Yonatan by the gang of Arab terrorists who planned, practiced and carried out the murders, but changed much more than that. With unbearable pain of the loss of his loved ones, Michael made a fateful, and until now, unusual decision. He decided to be actively involved in the trials of the murdering terrorists of his loved ones. He hired a lawyer, Adv. Adrian Agassi to help ensure that maximum justice be achieved.

Week after week, month after month for over a year and a half Michael traveled from Kiryat Arba to Opher Military Prison and the military court that is trying the terror gang that perpetrated and carried out the numerous terror attacks, one of which resulted in the tragic murder of Asher and Yonatan z"l.
The effect of having hired Adv. Adrian Agassi , and with us being there with Michael during the nightmare of facing the murderers had an enormous effect on both the prison guards, the judges and prosecution and especially the terrorists and their defense lawyers. This case became something different from all of the other trials taking place in the military court. This case became human, it had faces - not merely more names and it brought the reality of the pain of loss into that Military Court.
As Michael stood on the witness stand during the hearing which would result in the sentencing of the head of the terror gang, Wahil, and spoke of Asher and Yonatan z"l you not only felt the pain and love in his words, he made Asher and Yonatan z"l be present within the walls of the military court. His words and the sentence at the summary of his anguished descriptions of his son and grandson allowed us to also get to know the victims.
When Michael in his testimony directed the following words to the murdering terrorist; "you did not know Asher or Yonatan, they were murdered merely because they are Jews", the truth of the terror directed against us emerged.
Each time that I am at Opher whether before we are inside the military court, or seated during the long, arduous procedures, our presence especially with the photographs hugged tight to us, brings both Asher and Yonatan z"l into the court.
The unprecedented decision of the court to sentence Wahil with two consecutive life sentences and another 58 years was truly because of the brave steps taken by this bereaved father and grandfather.

It cannot bring our loved ones back, but we pray that it will prevent any other family from suffering such loss simply because we are Jews.
"L-rd how long shall the wicked triumph? …..For the L-rd will not cast off HIS people, nor will HE forsake His inheritance…..And HE brings upon them their own iniquity; and HE cuts them off in their own wickedness….. (Psalms: 94)
Despite the pain and anguish of loss, because of the love and determination of our friend, Michael Palmer, along with Adv. Agassi, we see justice.
Yehudit Tayar serves as a first response medic, is on the Board of Hatzalah - Yehudah, Shomron and the Jordan Valley, and is one of the veteran spokesmen for the Jewish pioneers in Yesha. Yehudit lives with her family in Bet Horon in the Benjamin Region for over 32 years.
Updates throughout the day at http://calevbenyefuneh.
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