The Ettinger Report..
29 April '13..
Sixty five years of Arab terrorism and conventional warfare, fueled by global pressure on Israel, have been bumps on the road of the unprecedented Israeli surge, economically, technologically, medically and militarily to the benefit of the Jewish State and the Free World.
At 65, Israel demonstrates that principle-driven, highly motivated and defiant societies are capable of transforming tough times into challenges and opportunities, while surging to new heights.
At 65, Israel proves, once again, that pressuring the Jewish olive yields superb oil.
At 65, Israel’s 6.3 million Jews include over three million Olim, who have constituted Israel’s most effective growth engine. The relative strength of Israel’s economy, the rise of global anti-Semitism, the gradual Islamification of Europe and the expansion of Jewish/Zionist education in major Jewish communities produce a potential wave of Aliya: 500,000 Olim during the next ten years from the former USSR, Germany, France, England, Latin America, USA, Canada and Australia. The Aliya waves of the 1930s, 1950s, 1970s and 1990s facilitated the establishment of the Jewish State and its defiance of severe military and economic challenges. The next Aliya wave – which awaits vision-driven pro-active leadership – will produce the critical strategic mass, which will overwhelm adversity and secure the long-term growth of the Jewish State.
At 65, Israel is – in contrast to the tumultuous Arab Street – the only stable, predictable, reliable, capable, democratic and unconditional ally of the US regionally and globally. In 1969 and 1978, the Qadhaffi and Khomeini revolutions transformed Libya and Iran from pro – to anti - US regimes. In 2003, the rise of Erdogan changed Turkey from a US – to an Islamic - orientation. In 2012, the replacement of Mubarak by the Muslim Brotherhood terminated Egypt’s role as a US ally. A regime-change in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States would trigger a similar anti-US shift. On the other hand, Israel’s right, left, hawks and doves are inherently allies of the US.
At 65, Israel’s economy defies global economic meltdown and is praised by the International Monetary Fund, the three leading rating companies, major banks, astute investors, successful venture capital funds and high tech giants. Israel leads the world in research and development and features impressive economic indicators. For example, a 14.7% growth of gross domestic product (GDP) during the 2009-2012 global economic crisis was the highest among OECD countries. Israel’s 2012 GDP of $250BN has multiplied 120 times since 1948. Israel’s 2012 budget deficit and unemployment were 4.2% and 6.9% respectively, lower than the OECD average.
At 65, Israel’s robust demography – which leads the Free World with three births per Jewish woman – provides a tailwind for Israel’s economy.
At 65, Israel is increasingly a unique contributor to vital US economic and national security interests. Israel is the hub of research and development centers for Intel, Motorola, Microsoft, HP, IBM and other US high tech giants. Cutting edge Israeli-developed technologies are converted into US lines of production, expanding the US employment, export and research and development base. Israel’s Defense Forces employ hundreds of US military systems, sharing with the US defense industry unique upgrades and modifications, enhancing its competitiveness in the global marketplace. Israel – the largest US aircraft carrier without a single American on board - provides the US with more intelligence than all NATO countries combined.
At 65, Israel is grateful to the USA, the senior partner in the increasingly mutually-beneficial, two-way-street, win-win US-Israel alliance.
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