Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ben-David - How much of the Palestinian Refugee saga is a fraud? Here's an example

Nahr el Bared in 2007
Lenny Ben-David
15 December '11

There's little question that some of Palestine's Arabs date back a millennium. Indeed, studies show that some, particularly those in the Hebron Hills areas, were Palestinian Jews who were forced to convert to Islam. Some families in places like Yatta still practice Jewish customs in secret like the Spanish conversos.

But many Palestinian Arab families are relatively new to Palestine, some coming in the last century because of economic opportunities that developed as a result of Jewish enterprises. British officials, such as Winston Churchill, described the improved economic conditions that brought them to the area.

A perfect example is evident in the population of the Nahr el Bared ["Cold River] Palestinian refugee camp in northern Lebanon. As recently as three years ago, sources described many of the residents as originally coming from North Africans countries who immigrated to Palestine in the 1930s.

[The phrase "Nahr el Bared" was the code radioed to terrorists by Yasir Arafat to Sudan in 1973 ordering the execution of one Belgian and two American diplomats.]

The Nahr el Bared camp reportedly had a population of 30,000 in 2007, when a bloody battle broke out between camp radicals, led by Fatah el Islam, and the Lebanese Army. Whole neighborhoods were destroyed during the four months of fighting.

[Hundreds were killed, but the savagery of the fighting barely elicited a headline, a UN condemnation, or a solidarity vigil somewhere around the globe.]

This is how Wikipedia described the Nahr el Bared camp's components three years ago:

Nahr el Bared camp after
four months of warfare
The different sectors of the camp are named after areas of what is now the northern Israeli Galilee region: Safourieh, Sasa, Safad, etc. Other sectors are more commonly known by the origins of the families living there: e.g. the "Maghrebi" area where families originally from Algeria, Tunisia or Morocco who had moved to Palestine in the 1930s now live.

Check out the Wikipedia entry today and see how this important fact of the Palestinians' origins was censored:

The different sectors of the camp are named after areas of what is now the northern Galilee region : Safourieh, Sasa, Safad, etc. Other sectors are more commonly known by the origins of the families living there: e.g. the "Naseem" area where families originally from Acre, Canada or Morocco who had moved to Palestine in the 1930s now live. [What happened to Algeria and Tunisia? Canada?]

Yes, the families of many Arab refugees originally came to Palestine only in the last 100 years, and someone is trying to cover that up.

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1 comment:

  1. It is all a big fraud. They can say what they want to say. It does not make it true. What is true is what the Torah says. It is spelled out very clearly. Borders and boundaries were laid out by Hashem Himself. Who can argue with that? What man sees himself as bigger or better than Hashem? What Hashem has given, NO ONE can take away!!!
