Not just for Olim, this was found on yesterdays Janglo and has in it a wealth of information. For those not familiar with Janglo (Jerusalem Anglo Protexia), this is the site with thousands of subscribers in the Jersulem area, seeking work, offering opportunities, and proffering advice on every topic imaginable. You can subscribe or just visit their site which is constantly updated throughout the day.
8. INFO4U: Top Tech Tips for Olim
Posted by: "jonah@voolf.com" jonah@voolf.com
Sun May 24, 2009 9:48 am (PDT)
Top Tech Tips for Olim
Most desktop computers and Laptops will work in Israel as they are 110/220 capable. You will need to either replace the cable or use an adapter to switch the plug. With Desktop systems, be sure to switch the power supply to 220-240 before you bring it to Israel.
PC’s: If you have a current PC purchased in the last 3 years, I would advise bringing it. You can then install the Hebrew language and get a Hebrew keyboard. If your PC is under warranty, check with the vendor to see if they will honor the warranty in Israel. If you are looking at getting a new PC, it is worthwhile to pay a little extra in Israel to insure that you will have a warranty on the system, with Hebrew pre-configured.
Mac’s: Macs will work in Israel, if you have one, bring it. I would recommend taking out Applecare on the system before Aliyah. Idigital, an Apple reseller in Israel, will honor the Applecare warranty.
A GPS in Israel will cost at least twice the cost of one purchased in the states. If you have a GPS unit, you may be able to purchase additional maps for it. Contact the vendor or look for third party solutions. If you have an IPHONE 3G, the Google maps will work here in Israel.
If you don't mind the small screen, there are GPS capable phones ....
For full article click here
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