Arnold/Frimet Roth..
This Ongoing War..
20 January '18..
As a large delegation of American officials headed by Vice President Mike Pence makes its way in the coming hours to Jordan, we're thinking about what goes on over there. What do people think in Jordan? How free they are to express themselves? And why isn't this talked about more?
They're important questions at multiple levels. Jordan is for all practical purposes the largest and most important of the three Palestinian Arab entities. The other two of course are the almost-state of Palestine, the one run by the Mahmoud Abbas clique from Ramallah; and the unspeakably monstrous Hamas polity operating mainly, but not only, from the Gaza Strip.
It's hard to know what Jordanians think or believe because they have one of the most tightly controlled news reporting industries in the world. And by we mean, the power exercised by the king and those who are with him.
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