Elder of Ziyon..
21 January '18..
The Palestinian leadership has made it clear that they will not accept any United States involvement in the peace process.
Obviously, Israel isn't going to not accept any process that does not involve the United States.
Which means that the Palestinian Arab have given up on negotiations.
So what are they planning to do?
Mahmoud Aloul, Fatah Deputy President, gives an interview that is reproduced in the Fatah Facebook page and Al Quds. And while he didn't go into any specifics, it looks like the Palestinians are pretty much continuing with their strategy of the past few years.
Aloul says that the Palestinian leadership has reviewed the actions of all previous US administrations, and decided that all of them - Obama included - were really pro-Israel and had no interest in helping the Palestinians get a state.
Delusion continues to be official Palestinian policy.
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