Sheri Oz..
Israel Diaries..
25 January '18..
Identity replacement, whether individual or national, can be accidental or purposeful. Sometimes it can be corrected in time. Sometimes it may be too late.
Geraldine Hoff Doyle, who many believed to have been the woman featured in J. Howard Miller’s famous historic poster, did not know she was not the real Rosie the Riveter. However, the real Rosie, Naomi Parker Fraley, did know the truth, and nobody would listen to her.
Harold Schultz was the Marine in the famous Iwo Jima photo by Joe Rosenthal, and not James Bradley. The Marines knew of their error. Many history buffs knew of the error. But the truth was not officially acknowledged until 20 years after Schultz’s death.
I am sure that it does not matter to very many people whether the name behind the face and muscular arm is Geraldine or Naomi. But it did matter to Naomi. And it mattered enough to one investigative journalist — James J. Kimble spent six years following a hunch. He uncovered the truth, in his eulogy to Fraley he reflected on the dangers of journalism that no longer investigates, and news consumers who swallow stories whole without question:
The story of Fraley’s discovery is a valuable but cautionary tale. It can tell us much about the 24-hour news cycle, our culture’s need to feed the media beast and what happens to the people behind the stories we consume without questioning.
Birth of an instance of Identity Replacement
Let us see how this is relevant regarding contemporary Israel. Kimble writes:
Most people thought they already knew who that face belonged to: a Michigan woman named Geraldine Hoff Doyle. Her proof was a familiar wire service photograph.
And I think we can safely say that most people think they know to whom the land of Israel, or at least the so-called West Bank (Judea & Samaria) really belongs: to a so-called Palestinian people. This oft-used map that totally distorts the truth is one kind of “proof” offered; but who bothers to read the arguments against this propaganda sleight of hand?
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