Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Annexation - An Option Or Not? Or When?

Yisrael Medad
My Right Word
18 January '11

Dani Dayan, chairman of the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, was interviewed for the Washington Times.

The headline reads:

Settler leader: West Bank annexation 'not an option'

Dani, described as "The head of the Yesha Council, the largest organization representing the 300,000-plus Jewish residents of the West Bank, [who] stands at the forefront of efforts to prevent the world's vision of a Palestinian state from becoming reality" is quoted saying

"The aim [of Yesha] is to make sure that Judea and Samaria are kept as an integral part of Israel...Yet in the same breath, Mr. Dayan says he opposes bringing the disputed area under Israeli sovereignty.

"I don't think that annexation is an option right now," he says. "It's not an option because of the international arena, because of constraints that we are well aware of. Also because of the question of citizenship for the Arab population and other practical questions. I think that every person that watches the developments understands that annexation is not within the range of realistic options Israel has."

...Mr. Dayan says that though he theoretically supports annexing the West Bank "in the long term," any such move would have to be preceded by a shift of "one of the major geopolitical parameters."

(Read full "Annexation - An Option Or Not? Or When?")

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