Daphne Anson
14 December '10
With the help of Arab money the Israel-delegitimisers in the UK have been hard at work. Yet again. The new UAE-funded Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics seems to know something the rest of us don’t about the composition of the Middle East – as Edgar Davidson shows on his blog, it’s produced a map in which Israel is conspicuous by its absence.
Of course, this is the vision of the Middle East that the majority of Palestinians themselves seem ultimately to want to see, if the October poll that I posted about on 22 November (“Still Crazy After all These Years”) is an accurate reflection of their attitudes. As some commentators have pointed out, if the Palestinians were to recognise Israel as it is, "the Jewish state", and not as what they seem to want it to become, an Arab-majority nation, then they might convince the Israelis that their intentions are honourable. As things stand, it’s no wonder that there are widespread fears among Israelis and genuine friends of Israel that in the Palestinians’ eyes there is no place for Israel, long-term, in a Muslim-dominated Middle East: the Jews will either be in a position of dhimmitude or the Caliphate will be judenrein. The Hizb ut Tahrir Islamic fundamentalist movement has become active among Palestinians, and there are fears that independent statehood would not hold back the movement’s determination to bring about the eradication of Israel and its Jews.
(Read full "Recognition for Peace? Or Recognition for Jihad?")
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