Stephen M. Flatow..
21 May '19..
Hanan Ashrawi is a senior official of an organization that includes in its ranks those who are on the U.S. government list of terrorist groups. If that’s not sufficient grounds to deny her a visa to America, then what is?
Ashrawi is a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The PLO consists of groups that practice terrorism though are not on the U.S. list (for political reasons), such as Fatah; and groups that practice terrorism and are on the U.S. list, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).
Founded in 1967, the PFLP is a Marxist gang that has carried out numerous terrorist attacks. It was a pioneer of airplane hijackings in the 1970s. It murdered 29-year-old Harold Rosenthal of Philadelphia—a member of the staff of U.S. Sen. Jacob Javits, Republican of New York (and a former member of the staff of Sen. Walter Mondale, Democrat of Minnesota)—in a grenade-and-machine gun attack on the El Al terminal at the Istanbul airport on Aug. 11, 1976.
The PFLP’s bloody rap sheet also includes the murder of an Israeli cabinet minister and the butchering of American rabbis (and an Israeli Druze policeman) in a synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood.
It’s no surprise that Ashrawi is comfortable helping run an organization that includes the PFLP. After all, she has on many occasions publicly endorsed terrorism.
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