Thursday, February 14, 2019

Jewish terror victim, Avraham Bromberg, is remembered, thanks to the killers’ friends - by Stephen M. Flatow

And so, in a bitter and ironic twist, American Jewish and Zionist leaders may have forgotten Avraham Bromberg, but the actions of his murderers and their cheerleaders have forced his name back into the news—and back into our too-short memories.

Stephen M. Flatow..
13 February '19..

Like most victims of Palestinian Arab terrorism, Avraham Bromberg would have been completely forgotten—if not for the persistence of the murderer’s many admirers and financial sponsors.

Bromberg was just 20 years old when he was murdered. The same age as my daughter, Alisa, when she was murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists in 1995. Avraham was hitchhiking. In those days, all young Israelis hitchhiked. Nobody thought of it as a potentially lethal activity.

A car with Israeli license plates stopped to give him a ride. The driver and his front-seat passenger were Israeli Arabs. Avraham might have noticed that they were Arabs. But so what? After all, most Israeli Arabs aren’t terrorists. But these two were.

Karim Younes and his cousin, Maher Younes, kidnapped Avraham Bromberg, shot him in the head and threw him into a roadside ditch. Several days later, he died from his wounds. The Younes cousins were caught, convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

That would have been the end of the story, as far as the Jewish public is concerned. Some older Israelis might still remember his name. But the number of American Jews who remember Avraham Bromberg can be counted on one hand. And the number of American Jewish or Zionist organizations that have mentioned Bromberg’s name in one of their fire-and-brimstone press releases is zero.

(Continue to Full Column)

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