Friday, February 15, 2019

Setting Red Lines For "The Trump Deal" Now - by Dr. Aaron Lerner

A vague reply to the Trump deal when it is announced will make it considerably harder for us to hold by critical red lines in the future that were already violated by the deal that we declined to reject.

Dr. Aaron Lerner..
IMRA Weekly Commentary..
14 February '19..

Our ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, disappointed me tonight when he asserted on Israel Radio that it was good that the release of details of the Trump "deal" was postponed until after our elections.

He noted that if the details of the deal were made public today that this would be the focus of the elections.

Why would it be bad for there to be a public debate of the details of the deal?

Why can't I know before I cast my ballot what Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the leaders of the other lists think about the offer?

These are the red lines I would like to cast my ballot in support for:

#1. No sovereign Palestinian state. Please don't insult my intelligence claiming that "sovereignty" is just a label. All the guarantees in the world can be revoked or violated by a sovereign state if it has the right combination of supporters.

#2. No joint management of any area in Jerusalem. I am embarrassed for the people who actually think this is a good idea. It demonstrates a profound disconnect with reality. Joint management doesn't SOLVE problems it CREATES problems.

#3. Both security AND demographic considerations require Israel to maintain exclusive control of the entry and exit of people.

#4. Area C is Israel's critical land reserve therefore there shall be no change in the status of portions of Area C or initiatives in Area C that would prevent the future development of Area C for Israel's rapidly growing population.

Yes. There's are many Israeli brass and ex-brass who are confident that it possible to draw up adequate "security arrangements". Unfortunately these guys typically rely on best case scenarios and/or cultural hegemony.

We need to respect that different societies have different time frames, priorities, etc.

I appreciate that the temptation will be great for Mr. Netanyahu to be vague about our response to the deal when it is published with the idea that the Palestinians will kill it in any event.

In 705 days a new president may be sworn in in Washington.

A vague reply to the Trump deal when it is announced will make it considerably harder for us to hold by critical red lines in the future that were already violated by the deal that we declined to reject.

IMRA - Independent Media Review and Analysis: Since 1992 providing news and analysis on the Middle East with a focus on
Arab-Israeli relations

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