Thursday, October 25, 2018

Justice was not achieved – it was denied - by Justin Amler

While she gets to walk the hallways of an Israeli institution in comfort, Jewish students in the United States are intimidated because of the activities that Lara Alqasem was part of and led.

Justin Amler..
25 October '18..

On the twenty first day of the month of February 1969, ordinary people were shopping in a busy supermarket on Agron street in Jerusalem. People were doing what all people do, every hour of every day, in every place, in every city in the world. Some were buying milk. Others were buying snacks. Some were looking to buy chicken for Shabbat. Others were buying candles. Some were buying baby food, or diapers or towels, or plastic spoons, or a thousand other ordinary, everyday things. In a corner of the supermarket sat a toddler eating pretzels, waiting as his mother ran in to grab some last minute item.

Ordinary people, Christians, Muslims and Jews, doing ordinary things on an ordinary day.

What was just an ordinary day, was not to end that way though. While these simple things that we all tend to do were going on, a bomb placed in the supermarket exploded, ripping through the aisles and through the lives of hundreds of people.

It was a bomb planted by an Arab terrorist, designed to kill ordinary, innocent people going about their daily lives – men, women, children, mothers, fathers. Nine people, including the toddler sitting eating pretzels in the corner, were injured that fateful day and two people were killed – 21 year old Leon Kanner of Netanya and 22 year old Eddie Joffe of Tel Aviv. They were roommates and both were students at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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