...The declaration, issued on behalf of Prime Minister David Lloyd George's government and with the consent of the allies fighting alongside the U.K. against the Ottomans, made no mention of the Palestinians because at the time there were no Palestinians.
Dr. Reuven Berko..
Israel Hayom..
31 October '17..
Link: http://www.israelhayom.com/opinions/the-criminal-balfour-declaration/
The Balfour Declaration, issued on Nov. 2, 1917, is usually referred to as the "criminal Balfour promise." Such language looks at this historical document through an operational prism, as a promise that is to be fulfilled – not just a declaration.
Almost 100 years have passed, but the Palestinians are still fighting to eradicate the Jews from the land. They are preparing massive demonstrations, with Israeli Arabs, demanding that that United Kingdom apologize and retract the "criminal promise" and to compensate the Palestinians "just like the Israelis get reparations from Germany." As every objective historian would tell you, the notion that there exists a "historical Palestine" is nothing but a myth.
The land never had a Palestinian government, a Palestinian coin or a Palestinian establishment prior to Israel's existence. The land never had a national Palestinian history with a flag and an anthem, borders, a capital or ancient artifacts that could connect them to the soil.
The Arabs that had been living here prior to the declaration were migrant workers, urban dwellers, farmers, tribesmen and invaders. They were part of Ottoman Syria. As subjects of the empire, like all other subjects, they lacked a national narrative or any special civilian status.
One Choice: Fight to Win
6 months ago