Shraga Blum..
i24 News..
09 July '15..
The statements made in May by the Ambassador of the Palestinian Authority to Chile will not change the emphatic views of of Dr. Yossi Beilin, which he expressed in his last article on this site.
At a conference on Israeli-Palestinian peace in Santiago, Ambassador Imad Nabil Jadaa referred to the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion, one of the emblematic works of anti-Semitic literature, which is still a bestseller in the Arab-Muslim world.
According to the diplomat, Zionism was created in order to to implement the Jewish project of world domination. No less. The ambassador quoted passages from the 1901 pamphlet to support his thesis: "In 1896, a group of intellectuals and Jewish financiers decided to create the Zionist movement, justifying it with the will to create a homeland for the Jews. But in truth," Jadaa explained to his audience, "their real purpose was to lend support to the plan of the Jews to dominate the world."
At the same conference, Jadaa also repeated the famous silly assertion that there is no Jewish people, only a Jewish religion, and that therefore there can be no Jewish state. This idea can also be found in Article 20 of the Charter of the PLO - a racist and anti-Semitic document that has never been abrogated, contrary to claims made by PLO leaders to Europeans. The diplomat added that he was simply citing Israeli anti-Zionist Professor Shlomo Sand, who also claims in one of his books that the Jewish people does not exist: "You see, here’s a Jew, who holds an Israeli passport but proves that the Jewish people is an invention," the ambassador triumphantly proclaimed.
Does Jadaa represent a fringe group or are his views part of the arsenal of Palestinian Arab propaganda? Some will be surprised, others will say that he went too far and that he was only voicing his own views, but those who follow the pronouncements in the Palestinian Authority will understand that Jadaa was expressing the views held by all factions of the Palestinian Arab national movement since its inception.
These extreme remarks should be a warning signal for the Israeli left and far left as Imad Nabil Jadaa has once again exposed the motives of the Palestinian Arabs and the tools they use to try to get their way.
In his article, Beilin certainly criticizes Mahmoud Abbas - just this once will not hurt - but he only denounces the serious democratic shortcomings that prevail in the Palestinian Authority. He doesn’t say a word about the anti-Semitism emanating from Ramallah. Instead he wrote this incomprehensible sentence that Mahmoud Abbas is "Israel's partner for peace … who long ago gathered that peaceful coexistence with Israel is a vital Palestinian national interest.”
A ray of hope was provided by the extreme left American organization Friends of Peace Now, which strongly denounced Jadaa’s remarks: "APN strongly condemns vile anti-Semitic statements made by the Palestine Liberation Organization’s ambassador to Chile. (...) APN calls on Mahmoud Abbas, the Chairman of the PLO and the President of the Palestinian Authority, to repudiate the statements of his ambassador to Santiago, Imad Nabil Jada’, (and) to dismiss him. These abhorrent statements, anti-Semitic canards of the crudest kind, are an outrage. Such hateful statements (...) provoke hatred and anger among an Israeli public that is deeply skeptical about the viability of peace with the Palestinians and the credibility of the Palestinian leadership as a partner for peace.”
A ray of hope, I said, because this moral condemnation expressed by the American branch of Peace Now has little chance of achieving a political change. The statement condemns the remarks, sure, but only because these kinds of comments negatively affect the willingness of Israelis to make the territorial concessions to the Palestinian Arabs that Peace Now so fervently advocates.
Since the 1993 Oslo Accord, statements, writings and anti-Semitic teachings from the Palestinian Authority have not managed to move the positions of the left. In trying to protect the agreement, to shield the "moderate" Fatah from Hamas, to not appear anti-Arab or even worse, it was said that the outrageous remarks by PLO officials were intended only for "internal consumption".
The Israeli left, like its European sister, is much more comfortable in the condemnation of anti-Semitism from far-right circles than when it comes from the Muslim-Arab world where it suddenly is met with benevolent indulgence or crooked justifications.
But the comments by the ambassador to Chile, who maybe thought his words spoken at the end of the world would not get far, are identical to those used by the anti-Semitic extreme right in the years between the two world wars. This is a deliberate policy and not just repeated lapses.
The Israeli left, which complains of a steady decline of its influence on public opinion - partly because of this problem - would regain some credibility by lucidly pitting itself against the Palestinian version of the anti-Semitic beast.
Shraga Blum is an independent journalist. He publishes a weekly press review in the "P'tit Hebdo" and political analysis on Israeli-French language sites.
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